Have I mentioned that I love handcrafted items? Well, I do. I used to have my very own handcrafted boutique children's clothing line. I know firsthand the amount of hard work and dedication it takes to put yourself out there while painstakingly filling orders into the wee hours of the night.
Did I also mention I'm an Etsy-holic? I love skimming through different vendors looking for unique creations in fashion, jewelry and home goods, to name a few.
Here are the Etsy shops I'm featuring today:
I am crazy about these prints by Geraldine Adams based out of San Jose, California. The clean simplicity of the illustrations and the combination of colors caught my eye immediately. I could see a grouping of these displayed on a large statement wall in a kitchen.
And who doesn't love cheese and macaroons? (not together, of course.)
ooh la la!!
Visit Geraldine Adams
Next up:
Whitlock & Co
How many times have you scrolled through a maze of pillows only to get overwhelmed, log off and take a nap? I just placed an order recently with this fabulous pillow company based out of Chapel Hill (I love to support my fellow North Carolinians !) The collection is carefully curated with current on-trend fabrics that makes the decision process easy- peasy.
Visit Whitlock and Co
Pecan Pie Puppies
This Etsy store makes me want to say "OMD" (oh my doggie, of course!) This custom dog collar company is based out of Columbia, South Carolina and sets themselves apart by offering unique and punchy color combinations and adornments from flowers to Ted the Turkey. Be prepared to want to order more than one!
Be sure to check Pecan Pie Puppies out
Thanks for checking in. Have a wonderful day!!
xoxo- Tippi