This is a shot of the foyer before we moved in.
I neglected to take a full picture of the "after" foyer. I guess because I change all the time there's not true "after". I find it really difficult to figure out when to take pictures because I feel like nothing is ever finished. I'm okay with that.
I love this little alcove seating area that I created. That bench has been in our family forever- this is the second cover I've had made for it. I have some leftover fabric and plan to have a bolster pillow made.
I felt like it needed some funky art- so I painted up these little watercolors, painted the mats and put in some Ikea frames that I had. I keep thinking I may do a gallery wall of pictures here at some point.
This piece was my Grandmother's - I have had it since we got married and hesitated painting it until recently.
This piece is placed on the right wall looking towards the front door.
I'm glad I decided to paint it. It still needs a coat or two of varnish. I would also like to put round pulls on it eventually to give it more of a Regency look. What do you think about my foo dogs? They were 7.99 a piece, although my friend Claire says I paid 7.99 too much. I'll be wrapping these up for her at Christmas.
Happy Friday!!